Incident Command System for Executives: ICS I-402
ICS-402, Incident Command for Executives, Administrators and Policy Makers, a half-day course that introduces and provides the foundation for executive understanding and participation in the Incident Command System. This course is valuable to leaders in organizations who have the responsibility of refining or evaluating security, emergency management or business continuity documentation. ESI offers this course as an in-person, real-time virtual, and virtual course to suit your organization. Complete this course as a group or at your own pace. To buy this course please click on the link: https://emergency-solutions-international.mykajabi.com/offers/YxoCFJr7/checkout
Specific Course Topics
- Basic concepts, organization, and terminology of Incident Command System (ICS)
- ICS applications
- Role of an Executive/Senior Official relative to the ICS
- Major responsibilities of an Executive/Senior Official as related to an incident
- Functional responsibilities of the Command and General Staff
- Issues that influence incident complexity and the tools available to analyze complexity
- Differences between on-incident ICS organizations and activities and the activities accomplished by Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs), Area Command, and Multi-Agency Coordination Systems (MACS)
- Types of agency(ies), policies and guidelines that influence management of incident or event activities
Target Audience
Executives and Senior Officials (including elected officials, city/county managers, agency administrators, etc.) who establish or implement policy, but who are normally not part of the on-scene ICS organization.
Emergency Management leaders, Business Consultants, Cyber Security Program leaders or Safety Program leaders.
One-half day (4 hours)
Note: All our courses are set at Eastern time zone, which is Toronto time.