Resilient. Competitive.

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

With a view toward reviewing physical security and procedures, Emergency Solutions International works through a recognized framework to provide a current state analysis. Review of the security of a client’s locations is part of a comprehensive programmatic approach to manage the Health and Safety environment of its employees.

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) surmises that the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the incidence and fear of crime and improve the quality of life. Emphasis is placed on the physical environment, productive use of space, and behavior of people to create environments that are absent of environmental cues that cause opportunities for crime to occur. CPTED is common sense.

Applying Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

There are four underlying CPTED concepts:

We start by asking what is the designated purpose of the space, how is the space defined and how well does the physical design support the intended function? Only then, can effective design or problem solving begin.


Natural Surveillance

Is the placement of physical features and/or activities, and people that maximizes natural visibility or observation.


Natural Access Control

Deters access to a target and creates a perception of risk to the offender.


Territorial Reinforcement

Defines clear borders of controlled space from public to semi-private to private, so that users of an area develop a sense of proprietorship over it.



Allows for the continued use of a space for its intended purpose.