Resilient. Competitive.
Emergency Management Programs
ESI provides expert assistance to create a holistic documentation framework starting with the Emergency Management Program (EMP)

The documentation to support a robust EMP includes a set of framework documents: Emergency Management Program (EMP), Emergency Response Plan (ERP), and Emergency Response Quick Reference Guide (QRG).
Each of the plans within an EMP integrates the principles of ICS Canada and focus upon interoperability with First Responders and stakeholders as well as vertical integration between the three levels of documentation.
All documentation is reviewed and/or developed considering the following:
- ICS Canada protocol and methodologies;
- CAN/CSA Z1600 - Emergency and Business Continuity Management;
- CAN/CSA Z1002 - Occupational Health and Safety - Hazard Identification and Elimination, Risk Assessment and Control;
- Public Safety Canada Community Planning Framework;
- Applicable regional and international requirements.
ESI Resiliency Report Card
Ensure your Plans are commensurate with organizational risk by engaging ESI to create a "Resiliency Report Card".
Measures and Metrics assist you to refine Planning Documentation and ensure Program sustainability.
Business Continuity Plans
How will your organization continue to operate should a major disruption strike?
ESI offers business impact analysis and business continuity planning services.
ESI’s Business Continuity Plan development follows the outline of the Canadian Standards Association Standard CSA–Z1600 Emergency and Continuity Management Program.
This Standard outlines the requirements for an emergency and continuity management program. This approach means a complete systematic process aimed at the reduction of loss and the protection of assets from all types of hazards through a risk-based program of prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The Standard also serves as an effective benchmark to allow organizations to evaluate conformity of their emergency and continuity management program to this Canadian Standard. Implementing an emergency and continuity management program as prescribed in this Standard will improve the likelihood that an organization will recover and survive from a major event.
Threat Risk Vulnerability Assessment
Assess your emergency preparedness with our risk assessment experts.
ESI can complete an assessment of threat, risk, and vulnerability, in accordance with CAN/CSA Z246.1-13.
As part of the Risk Assessment, ESI begins by documenting a Current State Assessment of the Client’s Program, facilities, processes, and documentation.
In addition to reviewing all relevant documentation, the Risk Assessment includes site/facility tours, interviews with appropriate personnel, and study of interdependencies with external organizations.
The Threat, Risk, Vulnerability Assessment (TRVA) will examine the existing vulnerabilities and risks as well as potential emerging threats, along with associated impacts, that exist at the Client’s site; the results of which will help to focus the planning process and drive effective mitigation strategies.
Further, the TRVA Report will assist the Client to fully understand how to approach future work using a sustainable strategy.