Resilient. Competitive.
Service to New Industry
Emergency Solutions International (ESI) welcomes the opportunity to assist industrial project leaders as they set up in New Brunswick.
ESI has experience on both sides of the process; representing the Regulator on projects with Canaport LNG and the Maritimes/Northeast pipeline, and the proponent working with Atlantic Potash Millstream Corporation. When beginning full liaison activities with provincial, federal and local authorities having jurisdiction is necessary to build relationships that minimize anxiety around the implementation of industrial facilities.
ESI can assist with the following:
- Environmental Impact Hazard Review and Assessment
- Liaison between Industry and Responders
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Emergency and Security Planning Documents

Liaison between Industry & Responders
ESI facilitates discussion and creates opportunities to build relationships.
Focusing upon the safety, security and emergency management requirements of the provincial, federal and local authorities, ESI facilitates discussions around these requirements and uses this as an opportunity to create relationships and confidence for the project within the community. ESI sets up a regimen of one-on-one meetings with known colleagues, maintaining regular lines of communication and ascertaining requirements for risk assessments, threat risk vulnerability assessments and corporate safety, security and emergency management documentation. Further, with secret and top-secret clearances, ESI represents industry in such programs as the Security Directorate NB Critical Infrastructure and the RCMP Serious Incident Reporting (SIR) programs.
Stakeholder Engagement
The ESI team brings pertinent contingency planning and knowledge to the table.
Our experts have real life experience in Command at emergency incidents, including hazardous materials response. With a view toward the commissioning exercises and the development of an ongoing security and emergency management program, ESI anticipates the requirements and concerns of authorities. Currently in New Brunswick, ESI applies the Incident Management System (IMS) and Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Management expertise to security and emergency response exercises for industry. ESI helps the client prepare for the exercise and anticipate the requirements of Transport Canada, Public Safety Canada, the NB Department of Public Safety Security Directorate and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. This support has been provided to clients including the Port of Saint John, Point Lepreau Generating Station, Canaport LNG and Saint John Energy.
Commissioning exercises for the operational approval of industrial projects are critical junctures for the corporation, the community and authorities alike. Success for this moment in time is built upon a foundation of relationships and experience at the local level.

Existing Partnerships
Currently ESI collaborates with the following authorities:
- Ambulance NB Disaster Management
- Local Government
- New Brunswick Association of Fire Chiefs
- New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization
- Natural Resources Canada
- NB Office of the Fire Marshal
- Office of the Provincial Security Advisor (formally Department of Public Safety Security Directorate)
- Public Safety Canada
- Royal Fire Fighters Association
- Saint John Emergency Management Organization
- Saint John Fire Department
- Saint John Police Force
- Transport Canada
- Environment Canada