Evidence-based Analysis of Incident Command Structures in Operations Centres aims to survey, compare and analyze the emergency management process and procedures, and organizational structures, implemented by federal, provincial, territorial, municipal, and select private sector EOC/ECCs to determine Best Practices.
Partners on the Project include Defence Research and Development Canada Centre for Security Science (DRDC CSS), Public SafetyCanada, Public Works Government Service Canada(PWGSC), DRDC DTPMM, CALIAN Group Ltd. And Emergency Solutions International (ESI).
Through interviews and questionnaires of municipal, provincial and federal Emergency Operation Centre/Emergency Coordination Centres (EOC/ECCs) representatives to deficiencies in coordination as a result of various incident command structures and EOC/ECC practices were determined. Objectives included surveying, comparing, and analyzing the emergency management processes and procedures, and organizational structures implemented by federal, provincial, territorial, municipal and select private sector EOC/ECCs in order to support improved coordination in a whole of Government (WoG) response to all hazard events. The long-term objective of the Emergency Management environmental scan will support the development of a community of practice and common training standards.
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