Introduction to Emergency Operations Center Management
A group learning experience focusing on validating emergency planning documents and competencies of role players within the EOC and On-Site Command, realistic tabletop exercises are developed. Utilizing digital simulation as a medium for realism, customized tabletops are designed to challenge emergency management practitioners.
Specific Course Topics
- ICS review and EOC Fundamentals
- EOC setup and support during long duration events
- Incident Management Roles
- PPOST, Management by Objectives (SMART), Incident Action Planning, Planning P
- Concepts for selection of an EOC Facility
- Concepts for design of an EOC Facility
- Concepts for configuration of an EOC Facility
- Concepts for staffing of an EOC Facility
Target Audience
Personnel interested in being involved in the activation and deactivation of an Emergency Operations Centre and its operations during an incident.
One day (7 hours)
Note: All our courses are set at Eastern Time zone, which is Toronto time.